Wednesday, December 8, 2010





According to the Bible Jesus Christ performed many mighty miracles during his brief three-year ministry in the land of Israel. Many of the Jews were led to believe in him when they saw such signs and wonders being performed. The Jewish leaders, however, refused to believe in him and although his miracles were widely known they often pressed him hard to perform signs or, indeed, even give them a sign from heaven (Matthew 16.1). On one occasion Jesus answered them by saying that he would give them only one sign:

"An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth".

Matthew 12.39-40.

Jonah was one of the great prophets of Israel and he had been called out by God to preach to an Assyrian city named Nineveh and to proclaim its pending doom. Jonah fled on a ship to Tarshish, however, and when a great storm began to rock the boat he was thrown overboard and swallowed by a large fish. After three days in the fish, however, he was brought up alive and duly went into the city.

Jesus spoke of this three-day internment in the stomach of the fish as "the sign of Jonah" and said that it was the only sign he was prepared to give to the unbelieving Jews.some people have endeavoured to refute the Ressurrection story,their arguments are based entirely on two suppositions, namely that if Jonah had been alive throughout his sojourn in the fish, then Jesus must have been alive in the tomb after being taken down from the cross; and if Jesus was crucified on a Friday and rose on the following Sunday morning, then he could not have been three days and three nights in the tomb. We shall consider these two objections in order and will thereafter proceed to analyse the whole subject to see what the Sign of Jonah really was.


It is an accepted fact in Christian commentaries on the book of Jonah in the Bible that Jonah was kept miraculously alive during the time that he was in the stomach of the fish in the sea. At no time throughout his ordeal did he die in the fish by and so came ashore as much alive as he was when he was first thrown into the sea.Although Jesus had only said that the likeness between him and Jonah would be in the period of time they were each to undergo an internment - Jonah in a fish, Jesus in the heart of the earth – the so called scholars omits this qualifying reference and claims that Jesus must have been like Jonah in other ways as well, extending the likeness to include the living state of Jonah inside the fish. When Jesus' statement is read as a whole, however, it is quite clear that the likeness is confined to the time factor. As Jonah was three days and three nights in the stomach of the fish, so Jesus would be a similar period in the heart of the earth. One cannot stretch this further.To say that as Jonah was ALIVE in the fish, so Jesus would be alive in the tomb. Jesus did not say this and such an interpretation does not arise from his saying but is read into it. Furthermore, in speaking of his coming crucifixion, Jesus on another occasion used a similar saying which proves the point quite adequately:

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up". John 3.14

Here the likeness is clearly in being "lifted up". As Moses LIFTED UP the serpent, so would the Son of man be LIFTED UP, the one for the healing of the Jews, the other for the healing of the nations. In this case the brass serpent Moses made never was alive and if their logic is applied to this verse we must presume that it means that Jesus must have been dead before he was lifted up, dead on the cross, and dead when taken down from it. Not only is this illogical, the contradiction between the states of Jonah and the brass serpent (the one was always alive through his ordeal, the other was always dead when used as a symbol on a pole) shows that Jesus was only drawing a likeness between himself and Jonah and the brass serpent respectively in the matters he expressly mentions - the THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS and the LIFTING UP on a pole. It does not matter whether Jonah was alive or not - this has nothing to do with the comparison Jesus was making.By omitting the qualifying reference to the time period in Jonah's case,the so called scholar makes the saying of Jesus read "As Jonah was ... so shall the Son of man be" and it is from this unrestricted likeness that he seeks to extend the comparison to the state of the prophet in the fish. But if we follow the same method with the other verse quoted, we come to the exact opposite conclusion. In this case the statement would read: "As the serpent ... so shall the Son of man be" and the state of the serpent was always a dead one. This shows quite plainly that in each case Jesus was not intending to extend the likeness between himself and the prophet or object he mentions to the question of life or death but solely to the very comparisons he expressly sets forth. So we see that their first objection falls entirely to the ground. A contradictory conclusion automatically results from his line of reasoning and no objection or argument which negates itself can ever be considered with any degree of seriousness.


It is universally agreed among Christians, with a few exceptions, that Jesus was crucified on a Friday and that he rose from the dead on the Sunday immediately following. Some accordingly argue that there was only one day on which Jesus was in the tomb, namely Saturday, and that this period covered only two nights, namely Friday night and Saturday night.They thus endeavour to disprove the Sign of Jonah in respect of the time factor that Jesus mentions as well and so concludes:

We Discover that Jesus failed to fulfil the time factor.The greatest mathematician in Christendom failed to obtain the desired result - three days and three nights.

(Deedat, What was the Sign of Jonah, p.10).

Unfortunately Deedat here overlooks the fact that there was a big difference between Hebrew speech in the first century and English speech in the twentieth century. We have found him inclined to this error again and again when he sets out to analyse Biblical subjects. He fails to make allowance for the fact that in those times, nearly two thousand years ago, the Jews counted any part of a day as a whole day when computing any consecutive periods of time. As Jesus was laid in the tomb on the Friday afternoon, was there throughout the Saturday, and only rose sometime before dawn on the Sunday (the Sunday having officially started at sunset on the Saturday according to the Jewish calendar), there can be no doubt that he was in the tomb for a period of three days.

Deedat's ignorance of the Jewish method of computing periods of days and nights and their contemporary colloquialisms leads him to make a serious mistake about Jesus' statement and he proceeds to make much the same mistake about his prophecy that he would be three nights in the tomb as well. The expression three days and three nights is the sort of expression that we never, speaking English in the twentieth century, use today. We must obviously therefore seek its meaning according to its use as a Hebrew colloquialism in the first century and are very likely to err if we judge or interpret it according to the language structure or figures of speech in a very different language in a much later age.

We never, speaking English in the twentieth century, speak in terms of days and nights. If any one decides to go away for, let us say, about two weeks, he will say he is going for a fortnight, or for two weeks, or for fourteen days. I have never yet met anyone speaking the English language say he will be away fourteen days and fourteen nights. This was a figure of speech in the Hebrew of old. Therefore right from the start one must exercise caution for, if we do not use such figures of speech, we cannot presume that they had, in those times, the meanings that we would naturally assign to them today. We must seek out the meaning of the prophecy Jesus made in the context of the times in which it was given.

Furthermore we must also note that the figure of speech, as used in Hebrew, always had the same number of days and nights. Moses fasted forty days and forty nights (Exodus 24.18). Jonah was in the whale three days and three nights (Jonah 1.17). Job's friends sat with him seven days and seven nights (Job 2.13). We can see that no Jew would have spoken of "seven days and six nights" or "three days and two nights", even if this was the period he was describing. The colloquialism always spoke of an equal number of days and nights and, if a Jew wished to speak of a period of three days which covered only two nights, he would have to speak of three days and three nights. A fine example of this is found in the Book of Esther where the queen said that no one was to eat or drink for three days, night or day (Esther 4.16), but on the third day, when only two nights had passed, she went into the king's chamber and the fast was ended.

So we see quite plainly that "three days and three nights", in Jewish terminology, did not necessarily imply a full period of three actual days and three actual nights but was simply a colloquialism used to cover any part of the first and third days.

The important thing to note is that an equal number of days and nights were always spoken of, even if the actual nights were one less than the days referred to. As we do not use such figures of speech today we cannot pass hasty judgments on their meaning, nor can we force them to yield the natural interpretations that we would place on them.

There is conclusive proof in the Bible that when Jesus told the Jews he would be three days and three nights in the earth, they took this to mean that the fulfilment of the prophecy could be expected after only two nights. On the day after his crucifixion, that is, after only one night, they went to Pilate and said:

Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, 'After three days I will rise again'. Therefore order the sepulchre to be made secure until the third day.

Matthew 27.63-64.

We would understand the expression "after three days" to mean anytime on the fourth day but, according to the colloquialism, the Jews knew this referred to the third day and were not concerned to keep the tomb secured through three full nights but only until the third day after just too nights. Clearly, therefore, the expressions "three days and three nights" and "after three days" did not mean a full period of seventy-two hours as we would understand them, but any period of time covering a period of up to three days.

If someone told anyone of us on a Friday afternoon in these days that he would return to us after three days we would probably not expect him back before the following Tuesday at the earliest. The Jews, however, anxious to prevent any fulfilment of Jesus' prophecy (whether actual or contrived), were only concerned to have the tomb secured until the third day, that is, the Sunday, because they knew that the expressions "after three days" and "three days and three nights" were not to be taken literally but according to the figures of speech that they used in their times.

The important question is, not how we read such colloquialisms which have no place in our figures of speech today, but how the Jews read them according to the terminology of their times. It is very significant to note that when the disciples boldly claimed that Jesus had risen from the dead on the third day, that is, on the Sunday after only two nights had passed (e.g. Acts 10.40), no one ever attempted to counter this testimony as Deedat does by claiming that three nights would have to pass before the prophecy could be deemed to be fulfilled. The Jews of those times knew their language well and it is only because Deedat is ignorant of their manners of speech that he presumptuously attacks the prophecy Jesus made, simply because he was not in the tomb for an actual three-day and three-night period of seventy-two hours. (This means that Jonah's sojourn in the fish also only covered a partial period of three days and was not necessarily three actual days and nights either).

Having therefore adequately disposed of Deedat's weak arguments against the sign Jesus offered to the Jews we can now proceed to find out exactly what the Sign of Jonah really was.


1.Among the Jews to whom The Messiah spoke,a day begun at sunset to sunset,unlike us who begin to count the day from midnight to midnight.Gen1:5,As Christ was Buried that Friday evening before sunset It was Preparation day,and the Sabbath was about to begin”Lk23:54

2.a)Thursday night----------1st night Friday----------------1st day

b)Friday night----------------2nd night Saturday-----------2nd day

c)Saturday --------------------3rd night Sunday--------------3rd day

After The Ressurrection of Christ on that blessed Sunday,this was the testimony of the disciples

But we trusted that it Had been He Who should have redeemed Israel:And besides all this,today is the third day since these things were done.”Lk24:21


Two momentous events occurred when God sent Jonah to Nineveh to warn the people of that city that God was about to destroy it for its wickedness. The first we have already briefly considered, namely the casting of the prophet into the sea and his sojourn in the stomach of the fish over a period of three days. It will be useful at this stage, however, to record the story as it is. It is in the Book of Jonah in the Bible, however, that one finds the whole narrative properly knit together. Jonah agreed to join in the throwing of lots with the other soldiers on the boat to discover who was the cause of the storm which threatened to drown them all. The lot fell on him and so he was thrown into the sea where he was duly swallowed up by a large fish. After three days the fish coughed him up on dry land and he duly went to Nineveh, proclaiming that the city would be overthrown in forty days.

The other great event was the total repentance of the whole city, from its king to all its slaves, when they heard the ominous warning. Jonah, surprisingly, was angry when he saw the people turn from their sins for he knew that God was merciful and would probably spare the city. As a patriotic Hebrew he had hoped for its overthrow for it was the main city of Assyria and a constant threat to the people of Israel. In the heat of the day he went up a mound hoping to see its demise, and God caused a gourd (a large plant) to grow up and give him shelter. The next day, however, God appointed a worm to consume its stem and thus cause it to wither. Jonah was very upset about this but God said to him:

"You pity the plant, for which you did not labor, nor did you make it grow, which came into being in a night, and perished in a night. And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?"

Jonah 4.10-11.

The second great event in this story, that is, the repentance of the whole city of Nineveh, was all the more remarkable when one considers that the Assyrians neither knew nor feared God and had no obvious reason why they should heed the word and warning which Jonah brought. There was no sign that the city would be destroyed in forty days as Jonah warned as life was just going on normally from day to day without any suggestion from the weather or the elements that any danger was near.

No thunderclouds formed over the city as had happened at the time of Noah when the great flood burst on the earth. Nineveh was a mighty city and was in no way under any military threat. All that the city heard was the solitary voice of a Jewish prophet who came proclaiming: "Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown" (Jonah 3.4).

We often see cartoons of bearded old men carrying placards "the world ends tonight" and such men are always a source of amusement when they appear on the streets with such messages. Indeed the Ninevites might have considered that Jonah was just one of these religious freaks and while being amused at his apparent earnestness, they might have become somewhat indignant at the content of his warning.

When the Apostle Paul went to the city of Athens he was met with such a reception. In response to his preaching some said "What would this babbler say"? (Acts 17.18). The people of Nineveh listening to the Hebrew prophet Jonah might well have mused as the Athenians did about the Apostle Paul, "He seems to be a preacher of foreign divinities" (Acts 17.18). We discover, however, that:

The people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them.

Jonah 3.5

>From the throne of the king down to the least of the common folk the hundreds of thousands of Ninevites took Jonah in all seriousness, repented in great earnest, and desperately sought to remove the imminent judgment from their city. Jonah in no way endeavoured to persuade them of the truth of his short, simple warning - he just proclaimed it as a matter of fact. He also gave them no assurance that God would spare the city if they repented. It was, on the contrary, his wish and expectation that the city would be destroyed in terms of God's warning whether the Ninevites took him seriously or not.

Why then did the whole city repent and do so in the hope that God would not cause them to perish? (Jonah 3.9). Jewish historians were fascinated by this story and concluded that the only possible explanation was that the Ninevites knew that Jonah had been swallowed up by a fish as God's judgment on his disobedience, and also knew that while he would normally die in such circumstances, God in mercy kept him alive and delivered him from the stomach of the fish on the third day. This alone could explain the seriousness with which they listened to Jonah and their hope of mercy if they repented.

The Jewish historians concluded that the Ninevites reasoned that if God treats his beloved prophets so severely when they disobey him, what could they expect when the city was in the gall of bitterness against him and in the bond of iniquity and sin?

The reasoning of the Jews was correct. Jesus confirmed that Nineveh's repentance came about as a result of their full knowledge of Jonah's ordeal of the preceding days. He made this quite plain when he said: "Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineveh". Luke 11.30

In saying this Jesus put the seal of authenticity on the story of Jonah's ordeal and Nineveh's repentance and confirmed that it was historically true. At the same time he also gave credence to the theory that the people of Nineveh had heard of Jonah's ordeal and remarkable deliverance and as a result of this took his message in all seriousness, hoping for a similar deliverance in turning from their wickedness in repentance before God. By saying that Jonah had become a sign to the men of Nineveh he made it plain that the city knew of the recent history of God's dealing with the rebellious Jewish prophet. This explained the earnestness with which the Ninevites repented before God.

It was not Jesus' intention merely to confirm Jewish speculations, however. He wished to show that what had happened at the time of Jonah and its sequel was applicable to the people of Israel in his own generation and that a similar sign was about to be given which would likewise lead to the redemption of those who received it and the destruction of all those who did not.


According to both the Qur'an and the Bible, Jesus performed many signs and wonders among the people of Israel (Surah 5.110, Acts 2.22). Even though they could not deny these works (John 11.47), they nevertheless refused to believe in him and that right to the very end of his course. As he was completing his ministry we read of their response to all that he had done among them:

Though he had done so many signs before them, yet they did not believe in him.

John 12.37

Time and again we read that the Jews came to him seeking signs (Matthew 12.38) and on one occasion they expressly asked him to actually show them a sign from heaven itself (Matthew 16.1). On other occasions they taxed him with questions like these:

"What sign have you to show us for doing this?"

John 2.18

"What sign do you do, that we may see, and believe you?"

John 6.30

While the Greeks of that age were primarily philosophers, the Jews wanted every claim proved by the ability to do and perform signs. As the Apostle Paul rightly said in one of his letters:

For the Jews demand signs and the Greeks seek wisdom.

1 Corinthians 1.22

The Jews knew full well that Jesus was, in his own way, claiming to be the Messiah. If so, they reasoned, he must do signs to prove his claim. A1though he had already done many great signs, they still were not satisfied. They had seen him feed up to five thousand men with only five barley loaves and two fishes (Luke 9.10-17) but they reasoned that Moses had done similar miracles (John 6.31). In what way could he prove that he really was the chosen Messiah, they reasoned? What sign could he do to show them that he was greater than Moses?

In those days people were not readily persuaded by great signs. When Moses turned his rod into a serpent, Pharaoh's magicians did likewise. They also emulated his feat of turning water into blood and bringing swarms of frogs from the Nile. It was only when Moses brought out thousands of gnats from the dust that the magicians conceded: "This is the finger of God" (Exodus 8.19), for they were finally unable to do likewise. So also the Jews were only prepared to consider Jesus' claims when he could outdo the signs of the prophets of old. They saw him feed five thousand men and heal lepers and men born blind; raise up paralytics, cast out demons; and ultimately raise a man from the dead even though the man had already been dead for four days. They conceded these miracles.

All this did not satisfy them, however, for other prophets had performed similar miracles. What sign did Jesus have for them which outweighed them all? Surely if he was the Messiah he could do greater things than these? Why, Moses gave their forefathers bread from heaven to eat. As it was predicted of the Messiah that he would do similar signs (Deuteronomy 18.18,34.10-11), they therefore came to Jesus eventually and "asked him to show them a sign from heaven" (Matthew 16.1). Jesus absorbed their earnest quests for signs and said to them:

"This generation is an evil generation: it seeks a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be to this generation". Luke 11.29-30.

They wanted a sign that would prove beyond all shadow of doubt that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, the Saviour of the world. Here Jesus gave them a clear answer and set before them just one sign by which they could be assured of his claims, namely, the Sign of Jonah. Although we have mentioned it already, it will be useful at this point to refer to it once again:

"For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth". Matthew 12.40

Here Jesus quite plainly outlined the proof of his claims. Jonah had been three days and three nights in the stomach of the fish. Not only was this a sign to Nineveh, it also prefigured the sign Jesus was to be for his people and not for them alone but for all people in all ages. He would be in the "heart of the earth" for a similar period. What did this mean? Would he be dead? Why would he be there three days? Assuredly the Jews must have been very perplexed about this claim but every time they asked Jesus for a sign, he promised them no other sign but the Sign of Jonah. During one incident with them he plainly told them its meaning.


When Jesus saw that the Jews were transforming the Temple (the great place of worship where God's glory was in the centre of Jerusalem, from a house of prayer into a place of trade, he drove out the moneychangers and those who sold sheep, oxen and pigeons. The Jews then said to him:

"What sign have you to show us for doing this?" John 2.18

In other words, by what authority do you, a man, enter the Temple of the living God and act as if you are the Lord of it? Once again they requested a sign and again the same sign was promised by Jesus:

"Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up". John 2.19

Once again Jesus gave them the Sign of Jonah. Again there came the period of three days but now something more is added. He challenges the Jews to destroy the temple and whereas he earlier spoke of being himself in the heart of the earth for three days, now he speaks of the temple of God being destroyed for three days and thereafter being restored. So the Jews said to him:

"It has taken forty-six years to build this temple and will you raise it up in three days?" John 2.20

Now that was a silly question. They asked for a sign of supernatural source to validate the action Jesus had taken. If he had said "Destroy this temple and in forty-six years I will build another", what sort of sign would that be? But he said he would do it in only three days. That would assuredly be a sign for them to see and behold, proving that he was indeed all that he claimed to be.

This was one of the most momentous statements Jesus ever made and if ever there was a remark of his that made an indelible impression on the minds of the Jews, it was this one.

When Jesus was brought to trial years later, the two witnesses brought to testify against him both mentioned this remarkable claim. One said, "This fellow said, 'I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days"' (Matthew 26. 61). Another said, "We heard him say, 'I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another not made with hands"' (Mark 14.58). Both of these men twisted his statement primarily through a total misunderstanding and inability to perceive the meaning of it. But that it was a claim of great import they realised!

Indeed even when Jesus was nailed to the cross some of the Jewish priests mocked him, saying, "You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself!" (Matthew 27.40). Even some time after Jesus had ascended to heaven the Jews were still talking about his challenge and imagined that it was Christian belief that Jesus would yet come to destroy their holy place (Acts 6.14).

The tremendous attention paid by the Jews to this statement, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up" shows how important it was. Even as these Jews mocked him, however, they were unaware that they themselves were doing just that they were destroying it by putting Jesus on the cross; and on the third day thereafter they would know that he had risen again. When Jesus said "Destroy this temple" he was not referring to the great building in the city but to his own body. In his Gospel John comments on the reply of the Jews about the number of years it took to build the Temple, "But he spoke of the temple of his body" (John 2.21).

Jesus said that it was he, the Son of man, who was to be in the heart of the earth for three days and when he addressed the Jews he spoke obviously not of the Temple in Jerusalem which he had just purified but of himself. But why did he refer to himself as the temple? It requires only a little perspective on his ministry and identity to obtain the answer. The Jews wanted him to prove that he was the Messiah and to do this they expected him to show by signs that he was greater than all the other prophets. In his answer Jesus set out to show them that he was no ordinary prophet. The Temple in Jerusalem contained only the presence of a manifestation of the glory of God, but of Jesus we are told:

In him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell. He is the image of the invisible God. For in him the whole fulness of deity dwells bodily. Colossians 1.19,15; 2.9

What Jesus was saying then was this: Destroy me, in whom the whole fulness of God dwells bodily, put me to death, and by raising myself from the dead three days later I will give you all the proof you will ever require that I am the Lord of this Temple, the house of God.


Now it becomes clear why Jesus gave the Jews this one sign, the Sign of the prophet Jonah. His death, burial and resurrection from the dead would surely prove to them that he was the Messiah.

We have seen already that the Jews sought a sign from heaven, a greater feat than that performed by any other prophet in history to prove his claims; and as one looks at the miracles of the former prophets one sees all the more the significance of the Sign of Jonah. As mentioned earlier, prior to the e trial and arrest of Jesus his greatest sign was to raise Lazarus from the dead after he had been dead for four days. But this did not persuade the Jews (John 12. 911). Such things had been done during the time of the prophet Elisha.

But what greater feat can a man perform than to raise a dead man to life again? Only one possibly greater sign can be done. If that man after dying is able to raise himself from the dead and live again, this will surely be a greater sign and this sign was performed by no prophet before Jesus.

Living prophets had raised the dead but the sign Jesus was promising them was that the Messiah would raise himself from the dead. This is the Sign of Jonah. The Jews had stood at the foot of the cross mocking Jesus, "You who would destroy the Temple of God in three days", but they did not know that, after expiring a few hours later, Jesus would t raise himself from the dead on the third day in overwhelming proof that he was indeed the Messiah and the ultimate temple of God, the one in whom the living God of all creation fully dwelt. As Jonah had come back from the stomach of a fish in the very depths of the sea to yet live on the earth, so Jesus was to die, be buried, only to raise himself to life on the third day. On one occasion Jesus made this quite plain to the Jews, saying:

"For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again; this charge I have received from my Father". John 10.17-18.

Not only did Jesus make it plain that he would raise himself from the dead on the third day but he also often showed that he was greater than all the prophets who had gone before him. When the Jews asked him "Are you greater than our father Abraham?" (John 8.53), Jesus made it plain that he was, saying that Abraham had looked forward to his day (John 8.56) and added, "Before Abraham was, I am" (John 8.58). In the same way a Samaritan woman said to him: "Are you greater than our father Jacob?" (John 4.12) to which Jesus replied that, whereas Jacob had left a well in the land of Samaria from which people could drink, only to thirst again, he could put within people a well of living water from which no one would ever thirst (John 4.14).

He showed that he was greater than Moses, for Moses had written of him (John 5.46). He was greater than David, for David, he said, "inspired by the Spirit, calls the Messiah Lord" (Matthew 22.43). He openly stated that he was greater than the prophets Solomon and Jonah (Luke 11.31,32) and that he was even greater than the very Temple of God (Matthew 12.6), for the Temple contained only a manifestation of God's presence but in him the whole fulness of God dwelt bodily.

No man had ever had greater wisdom than Solomon but Jesus is the very wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1.24). Jonah became a source of reprieve for the people of Nineveh but Jesus is the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him (Hebrews 5.9).

Although there had been many prophets, there was to be only one Messiah. And whereas the prophets had performed many signs, the Messiah reserved to himself the greatest sign of all. As Jonah's ordeal in the stomach of the fish in many ways foreshadowed this sign, namely the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, Jesus therefore set forth this sign alone as a proof that he was indeed the Messiah

On the other hand, if we take the narratives of the crucifixion in the Bible at face value and accept that Jesus died on the cross, only to raise himself from the dead on the third day, then we have indeed a sure sign and manifest proof that all his claims were true. Other living prophets had raised dead men to life but Jesus alone raised himself from the dead, and that to eternal life, for he ascended to heaven and has been there for nearly twenty centuries. It is in this alone that we find the true meaning of the Sign of Jonah and are able to perceive why Jesus singled it out as the only sign he was prepared to give to the Jews.

We see, therefore, that Deedat's final argument in favour of the theory that Jesus survived the cross is actually the very strongest evidence one can find against it. Although his booklets are thus easy to refute, the matter cannot be left here for the sign Jesus gave has implications for all men in all ages. As Jonah's sojourn in the stomach of a fish in the depths of the sea for three days authenticated his word to Nineveh, so the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ put the stamp of authenticity on his mission of salvation to all men in all ages. If you miss the import of this sign, Jesus gives you no other. No further proof that he is the Saviour of all men need be given to those who refuse to believe in him as their Lord and Saviour.

Nevertheless we have a wonderful assurance for those who perceive the meaning of this sign and who are prepared to believe in Jesus and follow him all their days as Saviour and Lord: just as no soul in repenting Nineveh perished, so neither will yours if you will commit your whole life to Jesus who died for you and rose from the dead on the third day that you too might live with him forever in the kingdom of heaven to be revealed when he returns to earth.


At one time the Jews,the( Pharasees and Chief Priests) knowing that Jesus came from Galilee Claimed that no Prophet came from there!these are people who were beleaved know the Scriptures.They said to Nicodemus:They replied,Are you from Galilee,too?look into it,and you will find that a Prophet does not come out of Galilee.”Jn7:52Galilee a dispised place was refed to as Galilee of the Gentiles,a peole who dwelled in darkness.Nazareth was city in Galilee.Nathanael wondered if really a good thing would come out of Nazareth.Jn1:46Jesus choose to point out Jonah son of Amittai,the prothet from Gath Hepher,in Galilee!2kings14:25.Gath Hepher was( is) located in the tribe of Zebulun,northeast of Nazareth.Jos19:13The other key statement of jesus that we ought to keep in mind is.The Men of Nineveh will stand the nt with this generation and condemn it;for they repented at the preaching of jonah,and now one greater than Jonah is here”Mat12:41Jonah a Jew send to the Gentile city of Nineveh,but Jesus was the lamb of God that takes the sin of the World,His message is to all mankind.Jonah was a unwilling messenger but Christ laid down is life willingly for our salvation.Jn10:11-18For the sea to calm Jonah was thrown into the waters,but Christ greater than him only spoke a word!Jonah needed 3 days to cover the city of Nineveh and the son of man conqured Death in 3 days.Jonah was bodly alife in the belly of the fish but the one greater than him was put to death in the body but quickened by the spirit,by which He also went and preached unto the spirits in prison.What an awosome man,even in death still preached!


During 1978 Deedat published another booklet entitled 'Resurrection or Resuscitation?' which, like his booklet on the Sign of Jonah, attempts to prove that Jesus came down alive from the cross - a theory with no foundation in the Bible Early on in this booklet, as in others he has written, Deedat promotes arguments which are based on nothing but his own ignorance of the Bible and to some extent of the English language. He speaks of a conversation he once had with a "reverend" and boldly says of Luke 3.23:

I explained that in the "most ancient" manuscripts of Luke, the words '(as was supposed)' are not there. (Deedat, Resurrection or Resuscitation?, p.7).

Very significantly he gives no authority for this statement and we are amazed at it for it is absolutely false. This man seems to think he can say what he likes about the Bible, no matter how factually absurd his statements are. Every manuscript of Luke's Gospel, including all the most ancient manuscripts, begins the genealogy of Jesus by saying that he was the son, as was supposed, of Joseph (meaning that he was not his actual son, having been born of his mother Mary alone). There is just simply no evidence for Deedat's fatuous claim. He Appears to believe that the words quoted are missing from the oldest texts because they appear in brackets in some English translations. But any scholar will know that the use of brackets is a common form in the English language by which passing comments and personal notations are characterised. There are no such brackets in the Greek text but as the words in Luke 3.23 are clearly a comment, some translations place them in brackets. In the Revised Standard Version this form appears often where brackets are used for passages where no such brackets are used. in the original Greek simply because, such forms are not used in Greek to identify comments or personal remarks. (The same goes for inverted commas to identify a quotation. Inverted commas were not used in classical Greek). Examples are Acts 1.18-19, Romans 3.5, Galatians 1.20 and 2 Peter 2.8. Deedat's argument is based entirely on false premises and erroneous suppositions. His attempts to prove that Luke 24.36-43 shows that Jesus must have come down alive from the cross are equally unfounded. He bases his whole argument on a complete misconception of Biblical teaching about the resurrection. It is widely accepted that every man has a body and a spirit. At death the body dies and the spirit leaves the body. The Bible teaches plainly that the body and spirit will again be united at the resurrection but that the bodies of true believers will be changed and that they will be raised in spiritual bodies (1 Corinthians 15.51-53). This means that the spirit will be clothed with a body that will reveal the true character of the spirit and will be eternal. Deedat, however, completely misunderstands this and erroneously takes "spiritualized" to mean that the body itself will not be raised from the dead and transformed but that the spirit alone will be "raised". When Jesus appeared to his disciples after coming out of the tomb they were "startled and frightened and supposed that they saw a spirit" (Luke 24.37). Deedat argues that this means that they had believed that Jesus was dead and so thought it must be his ghost, but the Bible makes it plain why they were so amazed. The doors had been locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews and yet Jesus suddenly stood among them (John 20.19). Having been raised from the dead in a spiritualised body he could appear and disappear at will and was no longer bound by physical limitations (cf. also Luke 24.31, John 20.26). Nevertheless, because Jesus called on the disciples to handle him and because he ate a piece of a fish before them (Luke 24. 39-43), Deedat suggests that this shows that Jesus had not risen from the dead. He bases this argument on the assumption that a spiritualised body cannot be material in any way but must only be a spirit. He argues that Jesus was trying to show his disciples that he had therefore not risen from the dead and says:

He is telling them in the clearest language humanly possible that he is not what they were thinking. They were thinking that he was a spirit, a resurrected body, one having been brought back from the dead. He is most emphatic that he is not!

(Deedat, Resurreetion or Resuscitation?, p. 11).

So, according to Deedat, Jesus is stating in the "clearest language humanly possible" that he had not been raised from the dead. Yet, in the very next thing that Jesus said to his disciples, we find him stating quite plainly that this was in fact precisely what had happened - that he had indeed been raised from the dead. He said to them:

"Thus it is written that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations". Luke 24.46-47.

In the "clearest language humanly possible", therefore, we find that Jesus told his disciples immediately after eating before them that he had just fulfilled the prophecies of the former prophets that he should rise from the dead on the third day. So once again we find Deedat's argument falling to the ground and that purely because he is not a genuine scholar of the Bible and has no reasonable grasp of Biblical theology. The Bible plainly teaches that it is the body itself - a material substance - that will be raised at the resurrection (see Jesus' own teaching in John 5.28-29), but that it will be transformed. Today two men can be ploughing the same field. If they are identical twins it will be almost impossible to tell them apart. Yet the one may be righteous and the other wicked (Matthew 24.40). The difference is not outwardly apparent but it will be in the resurrection. A spiritualised body means that the condition of the body will be determined by the state of the spirit. If the man is righteous, his body will shine like the sun (Matthew 13.43); if he is wicked he will not be able to hide his rottenness as he can do now, but it will be exposed in all its misery in the state of his body. This is what we mean when we say people will have "spiritualised bodies" in the resurrection. Note clearly that the resurrection thus leads to a spiritualised body and not just to a risen spirit. The Bible puts it like this:

So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body. 1 Corinthians 15.42-44.It is the body itself that is buried in a perishable state and it is the same body that is raised imperishable. This passage shows quite plainly that it is the same physical body, buried as a seed - is sown into the ground, which will be raised as a spiritual body. This is plain Biblical teaching which Deedat so obviously misrepresents.

In 2 Corinthians 5.1-4 the Bible again makes it clear that it is not the wish of true believers to become exposed spirits without bodies. Rather they long for their mortal bodies to be replaced by spiritual bodies which are immortal.

Once again we find that Deedat's efforts to discredit Christianity come purely from suppositions based on his own inadequate knowledge of the Bible, and he appears to be one of those who are guilty of "reviling in matters of which they are ignorant" (2 Peter 2.12). Jesus' own statement that he had appeared in fulfilment of the prophecies that the Messiah would rise from the dead on the third day shows quite plainly that there is no foundation whatsoever for Deedat's attempts to prove that Jesus had come down alive from the cross. Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day and in his own body ascended to heaven not long thereafter. He has gone to prepare a place for those who love him and who will follow him all their days as Lord and Saviour of their lives. When he returns he will raise them too from the dead and will clothe them with immortal bodies, granting them access to his eternal kingdom which he waits to reveal at the last time. True Christians can confidently say: But our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will change our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power which enables him even to subject all things to himself. Philippians 3.20-21.


During 1977 Deedat also published a small booklet which plagiarised the title of a book written by Frank Morison entitled 'Who Moved the Stone?' Much of this booklet attempts once again to prove the theory that Jesus came down alive from the cross, and as we have already seen that this theory has no substance, it does not seem necessary to deal at any length with the points Deedat raises to promote it. We need only show, yet again, that he has had to resort to obvious absurdities to try and make his theory stick. For example, he endeavours to prove that Mary Magdalene must have been looking for a live Jesus when she came to anoint his body. Although anointing a body was part of the normal burial custom of the Jews, he cannot accept this as it refutes his argument, so he suggests that the body of Jesus would have already been rotting within if he had died on the cross, saying "if we massage a rotting body, it will fall to pieces" (Deedat, Who Moved the Stone?, p.3), even though Mary came to the tomb only some thirty-nine hours after Jesus had died. It is absolute scientific nonsense to say that a body will fall to pieces within forty-eight hours of a man's decease! If there was any merit in his argument, Deedat would hardly have found it necessary to resort to such a ridiculous statement. He likewise has to overlook obvious probabilities when he says that, when Mary Magdalene sought to take away the body of Jesus (John 20.15), she could only have been thinking of helping him to walk away and could not have intended to carry away a corpse. He claims that she was a "frail Jewess" who could not carry "a corpse of at least a hundred and sixty pounds, wrapped with another 'hundred pounds weight of aloes and myrrh' (John 19.39) making a neat bundle of 260 pounds" (Deedat, Who Moved the Stone?, p.8). There is a far more probable explanation for Mary's statement that she would carry away the body of Jesus. There is nothing to say that she intended to carry it away all by herself. When she first found the body removed from the tomb she rushed to Jesus' disciples Peter and John and told them:

"They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we do not know where they have laid him". John 20.2

The other Gospels make it plain that Mary was not alone when she first went to the tomb that Sunday morning and that among the women who accompanied her were Joanna and Mary the mother of James (Luke 24.10). This is why she said "WE do not know where they have laid him". As it was only after Peter and John had gone to the tomb that she first saw Jesus there is no reason to suppose that she did not intend to enlist the help of these two disciples or of the other women to help her carry the body away. In any event there is concrete evidence in the Bible that Mary Magdalene believed that Jesus had risen from the dead and this brings us to the whole theme of Deedat's booklet, namely "who moved the stone?". His conclusion is that it was removed by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two of Jesus' disciples who belonged to the party of the Pharisees. He says in his booklet:

It was Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, the two stalwarts who did not leave the Master in the lurch when he was most in need. These two had given to Jesus a Jewish burial (?) bath, and wound the sheets with the 'aloes and myrrh', and temporarily moved the stone into place, if at all; they were the same two real friends who removed the stone, and took their shocked Master soon after dark, that same Friday night to a more congenial place in the immediate vicinity for treatment. (Deedat, Who Moved the Stone?, p.12).

He begins his booklet with an expression of hope that he would be able to give "a satisfactory answer to this problem" (p.1) and the cover of his booklet carries a comment by Dr. G.M. Karim which describes the moving of the stone as a "problem besetting the minds of all thinking Christians". The impression is thus given that the Bible is silent on this subject and that Christians are beset with a problem and have to speculate as to who moved the stone. This is sheer nonsense for the Bible plainly says (to use Deedat's words, in the "clearest language humanly possible"):

An angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. Matthew 28.2

Can there really be any "problem" about this matter? Is it too hard to believe that an angel from heaven could roll back the stone? According to the Bible it took just two angels to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19.13) and it took only one angel to wipe out Sennacherib's whole army of a hundred and eighty-five thousand soldiers (2 Kings 19.35). On another occasion a single angel stretched forth his hand to destroy the whole city of Jerusalem before the Lord called on him to stay his hand (2 Samuel 24.16). So it should surprise no one to read that it was an angel who moved the stone. Why then does Deedat overlook this plain statement in the Bible and falsely suggest that the identity of the person who moved the stone is a "problem"? Why is there no mention in his booklet of the verse which plainly states that it was an angel who moved the stone? The reason is that his theory that Jesus was taken down alive from the cross and that Mary was looking for a live Jesus is flatly contradicted by what this same angel immediately said to Mary:

"Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. Lo, I have told you".Matthew 28.5-7.

The angel plainly told Mary and the other women to tell the disciples that Jesus, who had been crucified, had also now risen from the dead. They immediately fled from the tomb with "trembling and astonishment" (Mark 16.8). If they had thought that Jesus had survived the cross they would have been anything but surprised to find him gone from the tomb. But they had come to find a dead body and were absolutely amazed to find an angel telling them in the "clearest language humanly possible" that Jesus had risen from the dead. So we find that Deedat not only has to promote absurdities to support his arguments but also has to suppress plain statements in the Bible which refute them completely.

God bless you as you continue to study more of His Word



Na. Mwl. Daniel Mwankemwa


Majini ni viumbe visivyoonekana kwa macho ya kawaida ya wanadamu. Hii ni kwa sababu viumbe hivi viko katika asili kutoonekana. Majini huitwa pia Ibilisi, shetani, pepo mchafu au joka la zamani.


Kwa mujibu wa Biblia majini yalikuwa ni malaika kabla ya kuungana na yule muasi mkuu wa Mungu, yaani Lucifer aliyemuasi Mungu mbinguni na kutaka ukubwa wa kufanana na Mungu, na ndipo akatupwa huku duniani yeye pamoja na malaika zake, na huku wakiwa wamenyanganywa utukufu waliokuwa nao hapo awali. Vita hivyo viliongozwa na malaika mkuu wa Mungu wa Mbinguni yaani Yahweh(Yehova) kumtupa chini huyo malaika muasi pamoja na malaika zake. Viumbe hivyo vilivyotupwa ndivyo leo vinaitwa MAJINI au MASHETANI au PEPO WACHAFU au IBILISI au JOKA LA ZAMANI.

Uf. 12:7-12 “Kulikuwa na vita mbinguni, Mikael na malaika zake wakapigana na yule joka, yule joka naye akapigana nao pamoja na malaika zake, nao hawakushinda wala mahala pao hapakuonekana tena mbinguni. Yule joka akatupwa yule mkubwa nyoka wa zamani aitwaye ibilisi na shetani audanganyaye ulimwengu wote, akatupwa hata nchi, na malaika zake wakatupwa pamoja naye. Nikasikia sauti kuu mbinguni ikisema sasa kumekuwa wokovu na nguvu na ufalme wa Mungu wetu kwa maana ametupwa chini mshitaki wa ndugu zetu yeye awashtakiye mbele za Mungu wetu, mchana na usiku. Nao wakamshinda kwa damu ya mwanakondoo na kwa neno la ushuhuda wao ambao hawakupenda maisha yao hata kufa. Kwa hiyo shangilieni enyi mbingu, nanyi mkaaao humo. Ole wa nchi na bahari! Kwa maana yule ibilisi ameshuka kwenu mwenye ghadhabu nyingi akijua ya kuwa ana wakati mchache tu.”

Hivyo kwa mistari au aya hizo unaanza kupata taswira ya kile tunachojifundiza kuusiana na majini.

Ki-Biblia malaika ni viumbe walio katika hali ya roho ila wanaweza kuonekana kwa umbile la mwanadamu. Mw. 18:1-18, Lk 1:26-28, Kut 3:1-6

Katika Ebr 1:13-14 “Yuko malaika aliyemwambia wakati wowote uketi mkono wangu wa kuume hata nitakapowaweka adui zako chini ya nyayo zako? Je, hao si ROHO watumikao wakitumwa kuwahudumia wale watakaourithi wokovu?”

Biblia inazidi kubainisha namna ya kuubwa kwao

Mw.2:1 “Basi mbingu na nchi zikamalizika na JESHI LAKE LOTE”

Ni katika jeshi hilo ambapo tunapata hawa viumbe vya kiroho.

Na katika Kol 1:1-16 “Kwa kuwa katika yeye vitu vyote viliumbwa vilivyoko mninguni na vilivyo juu ya nchi. Vinavyoonekana na visivyoonekana……….”

Jeshi hilo ni huru linaweza kujiamulia lolote na ndiyo maana 1/3 ya hao hao roho yaani malaika waliasi na kufanya machukizo mbele za Mungu na wakafukuzwa (Uf 12:7-12) na wengine wamefungwa.

Katika Yuda 6Na malaika wasiolinda enzi yao wenyewe, lakini wakayaacha makao yao yaliyowahusu amewaweka katika vifungo vya milele chini ya giza kwa hukumu ya siku ile kuu”

Kwa hiyo majini ndiyo mashetani na mashetani ndiyo majini. Katika kitabu cha

Lawi 17:7

“Wala hawatatoa tena sadaka zao Kwa wale MAJINI ambao huwafuata ili wafanye uasherati nao, sheria hii itakuwa sheria hii itakuwa sheria ya milele kwao kizazi baada ya kizazi.”

Kwa sababu majini hayo tangu yalipotupwa toka mbinguni wana wa Israeli hawakuwa na ufahamu kwa kutosha kuyahusu, baadhi yao walijikuta wakiyatolea sadaka huku wakiamini kuwa wanamtolea Mungu sadaka. Na kumbuka kuwa mara nyingi wana wa Israeli walipotoa sadaka zao nyingi zilikuwa za wanyama na hivyo kutakiwa kujinja na kutoa damu ambayo ni sehemu kubwa ya chakula cha majini.

Katika Zaburi 106:34-40.

“ hawakuwaharibu watu wa nchi kama BWANA alivyowaambia, bali walijichanganya na mataifa wakajifunza matendo yao, bwakazitumia sanamu zao nazo zikawa mtego kwao naam walitoa wana wao na binti zao kuwa dhabihu kwa MASHETANI wakamwaga damu isiyo na hatia, damu ya wana wao na binti zao walio watoa dhabihu kwa sanamu za kaanani. Nchi ikatiwa unajisi kwa damu.”

Ndivyo walivyotiwa uchafu kwa kazi zao, wakafanya uasharati kwa matendo yao. Hasira ya Bwana ikiwa juu ya watu wake akauchukia urithi wake.

Hivyo kutokokamana na kutokuonekana kwao hayo majini yaliwahujumu wana wa Israel hata yakawasababishia wamwasi Mungu kwa kuyatolea sadaka kinyume cha Mungu wa mbinguni aliyehai.

Katika Kumb. 32:17-20

“ walitoa sadaka kwa pepo si Mungu, kwa miungu mipya iliyotokea siku zilizo karibu ambayo baba zetu hawakuiogopa. Hamkumbuki muumba aliyekuzaa Mungu aliyekuzaa humkumbuki. Bwana akaona akawachukia kwa sababu ya kukasirishwa na wanawe na binti zake. Akasema nitawaficha uso wangu nitaona mwisho wao utakuwaje maana ni kizazi cha ukaidi mwingi watoto wasio imani ndani yao.”

Pia katika Math 12:43-45

“Pepo Mchafu amtokapo mtu hupitia mahali pasipo maji akitafuta mahali pa kupumzikia asipate. Halafu husema natarudi nyumbani kwangu nilikotoka hata akija aiona tupu imefagiwa na kupambwa, mara huenda akachukua pamoja naye pepo wengine Saba walio waovu kuliko yeye mwenyewe, nao huingia na kukaa humo, mtu yule hali yake ya mwisho huwa mbaya kuliko ya kwanza..”

Katika Biblia tunaona kipindi Yesu alipotwaa mwili na kuja duniani, hao majini, au mashetani au ibilisi au mapepo wachafu yalimfahamu na yalianza kulalamika mbele zake.

Math 8:28-31 “ Naye alipofika ng’ambo katika nchi ya wagerasi, watu wawili wenye pepo (majini) walikutana naye, wanatoka makaburini wakali muno, hata mtu asiweze kuipitia njia ile. Na tazama wakapiga kelele wakisema wakisema tuna nini nawe Mwana wa Mungu? Je, umekuja kututesa kabla ya muhula wetu…(MK 5:1-9)

Majini hayo yanafahamu kuwa Yesu ndiye atakayewahukumu ila yalichoshangaa ni kwamba mbona amewahi kabla ya kipindi chenyewe cha yeye Yesu kuyahukumu kwenda jehanamu ya moto!?

Yesu alikuja duniani ili kumwokoa mwanadamu kutokana na mateso ya hayo majini au mashetani kwa sababu katika Uf 12:12 Malaika Mikaeli alipokuwa anawafukuza hao malaika waasi yaani majini au mashetani alisema OLE WA NCHI NA BAHARI ndiyo maana Yesu ilipidi aje duniani kupambana na huyo shetani, Joka, Ibilisi kwa niaba yetu maana sisi tusingeweza na wale majini walisema kumwambia Yesu kumwambia Yesu " ukitutoa tuache tukawaingie nguruwe na nguruwe wale wapatao 2000 waliona bora wafe baharini kuliko kuishi na viumbe hivi majini au mashetani miilini mwao na hivyo kutimiza ujumbe wa Malaika Mikaeli “ Ole wa nchi na bahari”.

Bahari ni sehemu mojawapo ambapo majini huishi.

Nguruwe hawa ni bora kuliko watu wa zama hizi zetu wanaokaa na majini kwa hiari yao na wengine hata kufunga ndoa na hawa majini.

Unabii wa kuangushwa mji mkubwa uliojisifu sana [ Babeli] ulipotolewa, ilitabiriwa kuwa, hayatakuwa tena makazi ya wanadamu, bali patabaki makazi ya majini..

Isaya 13:12. “Lakini huko watalala hayawani wakali wa nyikani na nyumba zao zitajaa bundi, mbuni watakaa huku, na majini watajeza huko.”

Ndipo tunasoma katika Yoh 12:31 Yesu anasema

“Sasa hukumu ya ulimwengu huu ipo, sasa Mkuu wa ulimwengu huu atatupwa nje”.

Na katika 1 Yoh 3:8

“ Atendaye dhambi ni wa ibilisi Kwa kuwa Ibilisi hutenda dhambi tangu mwanzo. Kwa kusudi ili mwana wa Mungu alidhihirishwa ili azivunje kazi za Ibilisi.

Kama tulivyosoma toka sura na aya mbalimbali ndani ya Biblia kuwa majini hayo yanasubiri adhabu, Biblia inatueleza atakaye yahukumu.

Math 25:31, 41 “ Hapo atakapokuja mwana wa adamu pamoja na Malaika watakatifu pamoja naye……… Kisha atawaambia na wale walioko mkono wake wa kushoto ondokeni kwangu mliolaniwa mwende katika moto wa milele aliowekewa tayari Ibilisi na malaika zake.”

Hivyo kwa mujibu wa Biblia majini yaani mashetani ni adui zetu na ndiyo maana alipokuja Muhammad yalianza kukanusha kuwa Mungu hana Mwana ili kuwavuruga waislamu wasijue kweli. (Soma Qurani 112:1-4, Al-Kahf, 18:3) ya kumwamini Mwana wa Mungu Yesu.

Kwa bahati mbaya sana mambo yanayohusu majini katika imani ya kiislamu ni tofauti sana na vile tulivyosoma katika Biblia. Ingawa Qurani na Hadithi za Muhammad, Mtume wa waislamu vinatutaka sisi Wakristo tumwamini Allah S.W. Mungu anayeabudiwa na Waislamu Misikitini

Katika Suratul Waqia 51:56.

Sikuwaumba majini na watu ila wapate kuniabudu”

Katika Qurani Suratul Al-Ankabut (Buibui), 29:46-47

“Wala msibishane na Watu waliopewa Kitabu kabla yenu ila kwa yale majadiliano yaliyo mazuri isipokuwa wale waliodhulumu miongoni mwao na semeni tuyaamini yaliyoteremshwa kwetu na yaliyoteremshwa kwenu na Mungu wetu na Mungu wenu ni mmoja nasi ni wenye kunyenyekea kwake.”

Waliopewa Kitabu kwa mujibu wa Qurani ni Wayahudi na Wakristo. Je, hoja kuwa Mungu wetu na Mungu wao wanayemwabudu kuwa ni mmja je ni sahihi?. Tuchunguze kuhusiana na mafundisho ya Allah S.W wa misikitini kuhusu majini ndipo tutajua ni mmoja au la!.

Muislamu yeyote ili imani yake ikamilike ni lazima aamini yanayoonekana na yasiyoonekana.

Katika Suratul Al- Baqarah (ng’ombe Jike wa Njano), 2:1-3.

“Alif lam mym. Hiki ni kitabu kisochokuwa na shaka ndaniyake ni uongozi kwa wamchao Mwenyezi Mungu ambao huyaamini yasiyoonekana (maadamu) yamesemwa na Mwenyesi Mungu na Mtume wake) husimamisha sala na hutoa katika yale tuliyowapa.

Qurani peke yake ukiichunguza utaona kuwa majini yamechukuliwa kama ni viumbe tofauti na mashetani, , wanasema hivyo kwa sababu katika uislamu majini yamepewa hadhi kubwa sana na ya kipekee. Hadhi hiyo ni kwa sababu majini waliamini Qurani.

tusomapo katika Qurani SuratulAl- Ahqaf, (Kichuguu Cha mchanga) 46:29

“ Na wakumbushe tulivyokuletea kundi la majini kuja kwako kusikiliza Qurani. Basi walipohudhulia walisema (kuambiana: ‘Nyamazeni (msikilizeni maneno ya Mwenyesi Mungu’ na ilipokwiza’ na ilipokwiza somwa walirudi kwa jamaa zao wakiwaonya.”

Na ndani ya Qurani kuna sura nzima inayoitwa surah ya majini (Mashetani) hiyo ni surah ya 72. katika Surah hiyo inasema 72:1-3, 14 “ Sema: imefunuliwa kwangu ya kuwa kundi moja la majini lilisikia Qurani likasema hakika tumesikia Qurani ya ajabu inaongoza katika uongofu. Kwa hivyo tumeiamini wala hatutamshirikisha yeyeote tena na Mola wetu na kwa hakika utukufu wa Mola wetu umetukuka kabisa. Hakujifanyia mke wala mwana ……

Nasi wamo miongoni mwetu waliosilimu Na wamo waliokengeuka. Waliosilimu hao ndiyo waliotafuta uwongofu.

Kwa hiyo aya hizi zinaonyesha kuwa Qurani ilipokuja ndipo majini waliposilimu. Kumbuka kuwa Qurani imeanza mwaka 610 B.K kipindi ambacho Biblia tayari ili kuwepo kwa karibu karne 6.

Akifafanua asili ya majini mwanazuoni mkubwa wa kiislamu aitwaye Abdallah Saleh Farsy aliye kuwa Kadhi Mkuu Zanzibar, kasha akawa Kadhi Mkuu Kenya katika kitabu alichoandika kiitwacho “Maisha Ya Nabii Muhammad”.Ule Uk 31 anasema

“ Katika safari yake ya kurejea Taif ndipo walipomjia majini wakasilimu Kama inavyoonyesha haya katika suratul Jinn. Majini ni viumbe vyebesi vinavyokaa angani havina viwiliwili kwa hiyo haviwezi kuonekana na wanadamu ila vinapojibadili kwa umbo lenye kiwiliwili. Na vina uwezo huo wa kujibadili kwa sura ya kuweza kuonekana. WAO NA MASHETANI WANA ASILI MOJA.

Kwa hiyo asili ya majini ni shetani.

Suala linalohusu malaika linawasumbua sana Waislamu hata hawana uhakika wake.

Tumesoma ndani ya Biblia kuwa kuna kundi la malaika waliokosa ambao ndiyo wanaitwa majini lakini tusomapo Qurani inatoa maelezo tofauti.

Quran Suratul- al- sajdah, (kusujudu) 32:13

“ Na tungelitaka tungempa kila mtu uwongofu wake (kwa lazima kama tulivyowapa Malaika lakini binadamu amepewa huria ya kufanya alitakalo- liliyo jema na baya).

Katika ulimwengu wa kiislamu malaika wote ni wema na wanamwabudu Mungu.

Hapa ndipo penye tatizo linapoanzia. Qurani ilipokuja baadaye inasema Malaika wote wema wakati Biblia kitabu kilichotangulia Qurani kinasema kuna malaika walioasi Na wakafukuzwa katika utukufu WA Mungu.

Katika Qurani Suratul al kahf (Pango) 18:50

“ Na kumbukeni tulipowaambia Malaika, Msujudieni Adamu. Basi wakasujudia isipokuwa Ibilisi yeye alikuwa miongoni mwa majini na akavunja amri ya Mola wake ……”

Katika aya hiyo tunaona Ibilisi akilaumiwa kwa kutomsujudia Adamu ingawa amri ya kusujudu walipewa Malaika kumbe kwa mujibu wa Qurani Ibilisi alikuwa miongoni mwao hao Malaika yaani yeye akiwa Malaika.

Kwa sababu Qurani haina habari kuhusu Malaika waliosi yaani majini ndiyo maana wanapata tabu kuhusu jambo hilo. Na ndiyo maana pamoja na kujua kuwa hao majini ni mashetani, Mwislamu amehiari kushirikiana nayo kwa kuswali nayo msikitini. Na hata Mwislamu huyo anapomaliza kusali husalimia kulia na kushoto akiwasalimia watu, malaika na majini (mashetani) waliokuja kushiriki naye katika ibada yake, soma katika

(Irshadul Muslimiin, sheikh Said Musa, Uk 38)

Katika Tafsiri ya Qurani ya Imam Jalalaini Uk 6:151 anasema kuhusu majini

“ Hao ni watoto wa Ibilisi”

Hii ndiyo sababu hata Wanawake wa Kiislamu wakiwa katika kipindi cha hedhi hawaendi Msikitini kwa sababu mle ndani kuna majini na chakula cha majini ni damu.

Tafakari kwa hiyo sifa ya hayo majini au mashetani kwa ujumla ni kuwa “ hujaribu kwa bidii sana kuwa karibu na waumini (Waislamu) wale wanaosali, kufunga na kusoma Qurani” (Asili ya majini, DK. Ahmed H. Sakr Uk 28) Ndiyo maana baadhi ya Waislamu wao binafsi wasingependa kuwa waislamu lakini majini huwashurutisha kwenda kuswali.

Kwa sababu wao Waislamu hawajui kubambanua kati ya majini ambayo ni roho chafu na wale Malaika watakatifu wa Mungu Yehova, ndiyo maana hata akiwa katika sala yake hana uhakika kwa sababu huyo jinni (shetani) amemteka na amemfanya atakavyo na yeye ni mtumwa wa huyo jinni (shetani)

Katika kitabu kiitwacho Mkweli Mwaminifu cha Sheikh Said Moosa Mohammad Al- Kindy wa Muscut Oman, juzuu 1-2 Uk 42 hadith Na 74.

“ Anamwijia mmoja wenu shetani (jinni) katika sala basi anapuliza katika matako yake, basi (Yule mtu) inamuijia fikra ya kuwa umemtoka upepo (kafusa) naye haukumtoka, basi akiona namna hiyo asiondoke (kwenye sala) mpaka asikie sauti (ya kutoka upepo) au anuse harufu (ya huo upepo uliyomtoka, ndio aondoke).

Huyo shetani, au jinni anakuwa karibu sana na huyo Muumini wa kiislamu hamchezei tu Mwislamu katika matako yake kama tulivyosoma hapo juu bali pia anapofanya tendo la ndoa.

Katika kitabu kiitwacho Asili Ya majini cha Dr Ahmad h. Sakir Uk 116 anasema

Hadithi ya Mtume inathibitisha jambo hili kuwa majini (mashetani) na watu wanaweza kuoana aliposema kwamba iwapo mtu ataingia katika uhusiano wa kindoa na mkewe anatakiwa ataje jina la Mwenyezi Mungu ajilinde kwa Mwenyezi Mungu dhidi ya shetani aliyefukuzwa mbali na rehema. Vinginevyo shetani hujivingirisha katika dhakari (sehemu ya siri za mwanaume) ya mtu huyo na atashirikiana naye katika tendo hilo. Tafakari yetu kuwa huyo jinni anayeshiriki naye tendo la ndoa pamoja kwa mkewe ametumwa na huyo huyo Mungu wao. Hiyo ni kesi ya ngedere kumpelekea nyani! Utashindwa tu!

v Huhakikisha haweki wazi utambulisho wake vinginevyo watu wanaweza kumkwepa au hata kumkimbia. Jina lake linawatisha watu wengi. Hivyo ni vyema asijitambulishe kama ni shetani, jinni.

v Huwapotosha watu kutoka kwa Mwenyezi Mungu ili waende naye jehanamu, badala ya kwenda peke yake. (Kumbuka hukumu ya Yesu kwa Ibilisi na Malaika zake Math 25:41)

v Huwakatisha watu tamaa kwa sababu kwa sababu hana la kuwapa ila matumaini ya uongo ( mf Q. 52:20)

v Huhakikisha kwamba watu wanamheshimu. Kumfuata shetani maana yake ni kuwa mtu amejisalimisha (kumbuka Waislamu wanaposalimia majini kulia na kushoto katika sala {Irshadul Muslimin Uk 38}).

v Huhakikisha kwamba hadhihirishi jina lake kama shetani lakini kama rafiki aliyejificha anayewatakiwa mema.

v Huanziza vurugu vinginevyo maisha yake huwa ya taabu. Huwa anafurahia kuona watu wakipigana wao kwa wao.

Katika kipengele hiki tunaposoma katika Qurani, suratul- Al- maidah, (Meza) 5:14

“ Na kwa wale waliosema sisi ni Wakristo tulichukua ahadi kwao, lakini wakaacha sehemu (kubwa) ya yale waliyokumbushwa kwa hivyo tukaweka baina yao (wenyewe kwa wenyewe) uadui na bughudha mpaka siku ya kiyama na Mwenyezi Mungu atawaambia waliyokuwa wakiyafanya”

Allah S.W ndiye anayewaletea uadui na bughudha Wakristo. Yeye atakuwa nani?


· Hufundisha uchawi watu wanapaswa watoe kiapo cha utii kwake kabla ya kufundisha uchawi wa aina yeyote. Elimu ya uchawi ya kuwadhuru watu wengine hasa waume na wake.

Katika sehemu hii tumwangalie huyo shetani au jinni anayeruhusu na kufundisha uchawi.

Katika Suratul Al- Baqarah, (Ng’ombe jike), 2:102

“ Wakafuata yale waliyoyafuata Mashetani wakadai yalikuwa katika ufalme wa nabii Suleiman na Suleiman hakukufuru bali Mashetani ndio waliokufuru, wakiwafundisha watu uchawi waliokuwa wakiujua wenyewe tangu zamani. Na uchawi ulioteremshwa kwa malaika wawili Haruta na Maruta katika mji wa Babeli wala malaika hao hawakumfundisha yeyote mpaka wamwambie hakika sisi ni mtihani wa kutazamwa kutii kwenu basi usikufuru, wakajifunza kwao ambayo waliweza kumfarakisha mtu na mkewe na mengineyo wala hawakuwa wenye kumdhuru yeyote kwa hayo ila kwa idhini ya Mwenyezi Mungu ……”

Katika aya hiyo inaeleza kuwa uchawi ni kazi ya Allah na ndiye anaye idhinisha. Yeye atakuwa nani? Na pia kuna waganga wa kienyeji wa kiislamu ambao hutumia Qurani katika uganga wao. Hiyo Qurani na majini na uchawi ulioletwa na Allah S.W vina uhusiano gani? Tafakari

“ Juhudi kubwa anayoifanya shetani (jinni) ni kuleta mfarakano baina ya waume na wake. Kwa kufanya hivyo huhakikisha kuwa wanachukiana wao kwa wao. Kwa ajili hiyo huishia, katika talaka. Kwa hiyo matatizo yanajengwa kisawasawa na mzazi mmoja. Watakosa uimara katika utu wao, shetani (jinni) anapata urahisi kuingia ndani ya mioyo na akili za watoto. Atawaongoza kuelekea mahali pasipofaa na hapo anawafanya wawe wahalifu katika jamii.” (Asili ya Majini, Sheikh Dr. Ahmad H. Sakr Uk 39)

Kwa mujibu wa Qurani na vitabu vya kiislamu huyo anayeamuru talaka ni Allah S.W Mungu wanayemwabudu Waislamu.

Katika Suratul, Ahzab (Makundi), 33:49

“ Enyi mlioamini mtakapowaona wanawake wenye kuamini, kasha mkawapa talaka kabla ya kuwagusa hamna eda juu yao mtakayohesabu. Wapeni cha kuwauliza na muachane muachano mzuri.”

Katika Suratul Baqarah, (Ng’ombe) 2:230.

“ Na kama amempa talaka ya tatu basi mwanamke huyo si halali kwake baada ya hapo mpaka aolewe na mume mwingine, na mwanamme huyo mwingine, akimwacha basi hapo hapana dhambi huyo kurejeana wakiona watasimamisha mipaka ya Mwenyezi Mungu.”

Kama shetani (Jinni) huleta faraka ili talaka zitokee, basi Allah S.W yeye ameruhusu talaka kwa wafuasi wake bila kujali athari za watoto zitakazotokea. Tafakari yeye ni nani?

Kumwabudu shetani (shetani)

Katika Suratul Sabaa, 34:40-41

“ Na kumbuka siku atakapowakusanya wote, kasha atawaambia Malaika “Je hawa walikuwa wakikuabuduni?” waseme umeepukana na kila upungufu! Wewe ndiwe kipenzi chetu si hao bali walikuwa wakiwaabudu MAJINI; wengi wao waliwaamini hao majini.”

“ Shetani anapoamuru watu wamfuate pia anawaauru wafanye madhambi na wakose maadili. Huwataka waseme uongo kuhusu Mwenyezi Mungu kutokamana na kutojua kwao. Wanaweza kusema kuwa sisi wanadamu tumeumbwa kwa mfano wa Mungu. Mungu alijifanyisha na kuwa umbile la kibinadamu. Mungu amezaa, na Mwanawe ni wa pekee. Zaidi ya hayo pia huyo Mwanaye si mtoto tu bali ni Mungu pia. Huyo Mwana ni Bwana Yesu. Asiyeamini hivyo ni kafiri au muasi hivyo ameangamia na atakwenda jehenamu” (Asili Ya Majini, Sheikh Dr. Ahmad H. Sakr Uk 54)

Hapa ndipo sura halisi ya huyu shetani yaani jinni inapojitokeza. Yesu alipokuwa duniani kabla ya Muhammad hajazaliwa, wala uislamu haujaanzishwa na Muhammad wala Qurani haijaandika na wale waarabu waandishi, Seyidna abubakar, Omar, Othuman, Ally na wenzao, majini yaani Mashetani yalipomwona Yesu yalimwita Mwana wa Mungu tuna nini nawe? Je, umekuja kututesa kabla ya muhula wetu? (Math 8:28-31) mwaka wa 610 B.K majini hayo hayo yakaanza kuwadanganya Waislamu kuwa Mwenyezi Mungu hana Mwana (Q.72:1-3). Na bila kuitafakari. Nao wao wanaamini tu kuwa Qurani ni maneno ya Mungu bila kupambanua huyo ni mungu yupi?

Katika Suratul An- Nisaa (Wanawake) 4:120

“ Shetani hawaahidi ila uwongo ……”

Hii ndiyo sababu Muhammad mtume wa Waislamu katika kitabu “ Wakeze mtume Wakubwa na Wanawe” kilichoandikwa na marehemu Sheikh Abdallah Saleh Farsy uk 12

Muhammad anasema,

“ Najikhofia nafsi yangu kuchezewa na Mashetani na kuniharibu akili yangu na kunuzuga ………”

Aliyasema maneno hayo baada ya kubanwa na kiumbe kule pangoni mwa Hirra alimokuwa. Baada ya hapo akaanza kujiita Mtume. Hoja yetu ni Mtume wa nani?

Katika kitabu cha Ibnu Ishaq 132-133

“Kama huyu shetani (jinni) ambaye amekupagaa wewe ni yule ambaye huwezi kumtoa, tutamtafuta mganga na tutatumia vyote tulivyonavyo kukutibu kwa kuwa mara kwa mara shetani (jinni) humpagaa mtu, lakini anaweza kuondolewa. Mtume alikuwa akisikiliza kwa makini.”

Kasha baadaye yeye Muhammad katika Sahih muslim Juzuu 4 hadithi na 2814 kasema;

“Wala hakuna yeyote katika ninyi isipokuwa amepewa nguvu zinazotokana na majini. Wakasema (maswahaba) hata wewe mtume wa Allah? Akasema hata mimi isipokuwa Allah hunirahisishia juu yake hunyenyekea wala hayaniamrishi ila yaliyo mazuri.”

Kwa hiyo majini ni ndugu za Waislamu Q. 46:29 ufafanuzi wake. Katika kitabu Asili Ya Majini Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sakr Uk 80 anasema “ Imepokewa na Khalid Ibn Walid kuwa kuna wakati alipatwa na ukosefu wa usingizi basi Mtume (S.A.W) akamwambia.

“ Nikufundishe maneno ambayo ukiyasema utapata usingizi? Sema; Ewe Mola! Wewe ni Mola wa mbingu saba na kile kilichofunikwa nazo. Na wewe ni Mola wa ardhi na kilichomo humo. Nawe ni Mola wa Mashetani (Majinni) na maovu yao. Nakuomba uwe mlinzi dhidi ya viumbe vyako vyote..”

Hadithi hii inaonyesha jinsi Allah S.A.W alivyo na uhusiano wa karibu na Mashetani. Je, yeye ni nani? Pia katika Q: 21:82, 34:12, 38:37 zinaeleza Allah alivyomtiishia majini Suleiman wa kwenye Qurani na yeye Allah akiwa mlinzi wao hata kuwaadhibu wasiofanya kazi vizuri.

Katika Q. 19:83 “ Je, huoni ya kuwa tumewatuma Mashetani juu ya makafiri wanaowachochea kufanya mabaya?”

Katika Sahih Muslim Vol. IV Hadith Na. 2667, Sahih al- Bukhari Vol VII Na. 6243, Sunnan Abuu Daud VOL. II Na 2152

“Hakika Allah amemkadiria kila mtu kipimo chake cha zinaa, ambacho haikosi kutimia kwake”

Tumeona kuwa majini au Mashetani au Pepo Wachafu au Ibilisi walikuwa Malaika walioasi wakatupwa chini huku duniani, walitaka kurudi huko mbinguni lakini walishindwa.

Katika Q. Suratul al- Jinn (Majinni) 72:8-10

“ Nasi tulizigusa mbingu (tulikwenda mbinguni) tukaziona zimejaa walinzi wenye nguvu na nyota (zing’arazo) na hakika tulikuwa tukikaa humo katika baadhi ya makao ili kusikiliza lakini anayetaka kusikiliza sasa atakuta kimondo (kijinga cha moto) kinamvizia. Nasi hatujui kama wanatakiwa shari wale wanaokaa katika ardhi au Mola wao anawatakia kheri.)

Majini yanajieleza kuwa hayajui Mungu anawatakia mazuri au mabaya wale wakaao duniani.

Mungu wa mbinguni ansema katika Biblia kitabu kilichokuwepo kabla ya Qurani;

Yer. 29:11 “ Maana nayajua mawazo ninayowawazia ninyi asema BWANA ni mawazo ya amani wala si ya mabaya kuwapa nyinyi tumaini siku zenu za mwisho.”

Majini (Mashetani) yanajua tu kuwa Yesu atayahukumu na hayajui lolote kuhusu mpango wa Mungu kumwokoa mwanadamu toka kwa shetani (majini)

Moja kati ya majina ya sifa ya Allah ni AL-MUQADIM yaani WA ZAMANI (majina 99 ya Allah)

Biblia kupitia Mtume wa Mungu Paulo, katika 2 Kor 11:14 inasema

“ Wala si ajabu shetani mwenyewe hujigeuza awe mfano wa Malaika wa nuru …..”

Pia katika 1 Tim 4:1 “ Basi roho anena wazi wazi ya kwamba nyakati za mwisho wengine (Waislamu) watajitenga na imani wakisikiliza roho zitanganyazo na mafundisho ya Mashetani (majini)

Tafakari Kuu: Allah katuma Mashetani (majini), wako katika dini yake ya Uislamu, Yeye mwenyewe pamoja na majini yake na wafuasi wake walikuwa wakimfanyia Suleiman wa ndani ya Qurani kazi yeye Allah S.W akiwa msimamizi (Foreman) wao.

Mwisho wao wote pamoja na Allah Mwenyewe ni kama alivyokiri katika Sahih Bukhari VOL VI Hadithi Na 370 ni katika JEHANAMU YA MOTO.

Yeye Allah atakuwa nani??? Tafakari wewe ndugu yangu Mkristo, shika sana ulichonacho asije mtu akakunyang’anya!!!!

Na wewe rafiki yangu Mwislamu okoa roho yako. Nenda kanisani ukajisalimishe upate nusura ya Mwenyezi Mungu!!


Anwani yetu ni

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